Empowering the future of innovation
对解决技术问题和挑战充满热情, Andreas ba
From family bonds to innovative bounds
三年半前,安德烈亚斯以系统工程师的身份开始了他在十大正规博彩网站排名的旅程. Originally from Kalmar, 在定居Örebro之前,他在哥德堡学习了几年, where he currently lives with his fiancée and two children. After returning from parental leave, he transitioned into the role of a project manager, 推动创新项目,培养团队凝聚力.
“在我的工作中,最有成就感的一点就是见证别人挑战自我并取得成功. 作为一名工程师,与如此有影响力的产品一起工作也是令人难以置信的兴奋. 这些产品对于个人争取自己的自由和保护自己的权利至关重要, 能够为实现这一目标做出贡献,感觉很好," shares Andreas.
Amidst the busyness of family life with young children, 安德烈亚斯重视十大正规博彩网站排名对工作与生活平衡的承诺及其提供的灵活性. 这种灵活性使他能够沉浸在技术挑战中,同时也享受与孩子们在一起的宝贵时光.
“只要我独立管理自己的工作,就不会有人质疑我是否有一天早退. 这种灵活性极大地改善了我的工作与生活平衡, 让我有更多的时间和孩子们在一起,在不影响工作的情况下参加下午的公园游戏."
What truly shapes the great atmosphere and culture here is the sense of community; we’re all here on equal terms, striving to do our best."
Where colleagues double as friends
Saab being the primary employer for engineers in the town, 偶尔和同事偶遇是很常见的. This also helps shape Saab's inclusive workplace culture, characterized by a non-hierarchical atmosphere and support, according to Andreas.
"Many colleagues know each other outside of work, which is evident in their genuine care for each other, 在部门和部门之间建立强烈的同志情谊和开放的环境. 没有什么问题会被认为是愚蠢的,大家都有互相帮助和支持的愿望. Despite only being at Saab for little more than three years, 我通过好奇和提问学到了很多东西."
3 questions
Your advice to a potential colleague?
Jump on board! And once you're on board, be curious and ask questions. Seize every opportunity to meet new people, ask questions, discuss, and learn from them; that's how you'll go far.
Your biggest strength?
我相信我的成功不是因为我在任何方面都是专家,而是因为我对很多事情都有广泛的了解. Knowing just enough, allows me to engage in discussions, weigh pros and cons, and make informed decisions.
A talent you wish you had?
I wish I could ride a unicycle! It's one of those quirky skills that would be fun to have.